Filing date | Description | Form | View |
An annual report of employee stock purchase, savings and similar plans |
11-K |
AMETEKInc.rtf 79.8 KB
AMETEKInc.xls 59.9 KB
AMETEKInc.pdf 56.3 KB
An amendment to a SC 13D filing |
SC 13D/A |
AMETEKInc.rtf 88.3 KB
AMETEKInc.pdf 69.2 KB
Quarterly report which provides a continuing view of a company's financial position |
10-Q |
AMETEKInc.rtf 124 KB
AMETEKInc.xls 25 KB
AMETEKInc.pdf 125.4 KB
Annual report which provides a comprehensive overview of the company for the past year |
10-K |
AMETEKInc.rtf 370.6 KB
AMETEKInc.xls 151.5 KB
AMETEKInc.pdf 378.3 KB
An amendment to a SC 13D filing |
SC 13D/A |
AMETEKInc.rtf 87.9 KB
AMETEKInc.pdf 69.9 KB
Official notification to shareholders of matters to be brought to a vote ("Proxy") |
DEF 14A |
AMETEKInc.rtf 246.4 KB
AMETEKInc.xls 38.4 KB
AMETEKInc.pdf 162.4 KB
An amendment to the SC 13G filing |
SC 13G/A |
AMETEKInc.rtf 17.3 KB
AMETEKInc.pdf 21.9 KB
An amendment to a SC 13D filing |
SC 13D/A |
AMETEKInc.rtf 86.7 KB
AMETEKInc.pdf 69.6 KB
Quarterly report which provides a continuing view of a company's financial position |
10-Q |
AMETEKInc.rtf 180.3 KB
AMETEKInc.xls 41.9 KB
AMETEKInc.pdf 142.4 KB
An amendment to the SC 13G filing |
SC 13G/A |
AMETEKInc.rtf 17 KB
AMETEKInc.pdf 21.7 KB
Data provided by Kaleidoscope.